Acadiana Planning Commission asks residents to complete online survey about internet access


The Acadiana Planning Commission is undertaking a baseline survey of broadband internet access and reliability across the Acadiana region.
In a news release the commission stated, “Today, the fight to bring reliable broadband to Acadiana’s communities has become as important as the fight to bring other rural utilities. Broadband access was once considered a luxury, however, in a post-COVID economy access to the internet is a critical lifeline to rural communities, the future of our economy, and an emerging fourth utility. Current data shows communities that have failed to keep up with advancing broadband technology are losing population. Decisions that we make today about broadband expansion will determine which of Acadiana’s communities will survive tomorrow.
“Limited or obsolete broadband internet service prevents access to telemedicine, remote learning, remote working, and e-commerce. Main street businesses are increasingly dependent upon broadband services to access a rapidly changing, global marketplace. Many places in Acadiana lack affordable and reliable broadband internet access. This lack of access affects Acadiana’s residents every day.”
Access to broadband in Acadiana varies greatly; unfortunately data that accurately documents broadband access in the region is lacking, the news release stated.
The Acadiana Planning Commission was awarded a grant though the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to conduct a baseline assessment of not only broadband access in the region but also to identify potential impediments to the expansion of existing broadband services, the news release stated.
The product of the assessment will be a strategic plan for future broadband expansion in the region.
As part of this assessment, APC is requesting that Acadiana’s residents and businesses complete an online survey which can be found at: