Fighting hunger


Diaunne Dischler gives a food box Wednesday at the Northwest Center pavilion. The food distribution was sponsored by Second Harvest. Kevin Guillory helps out during the Second Harvest drive-thru food drive. One box was given per one family while supplies lasted. The food box contained sealed food items, such as, tuna, juices, dry beans, sunflower seeds, and crackers. On Thursday, the Eunice Food Bank will hold a food drive from 6 a.m. to 7 pm. at the Food Bank, 2101 W. Ash St., which is behind the Department of Motor Vehicle office. The Food Bank is open from 9 a.m. to noon Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For more information, call Mary Ann Guillory, director, at 337-457-7541 or 337-305-0876. (Photos by Myra Miller)