Life expectancy across the globe


After reading the following article, courtesy of Newspaper Metro, it got me thinking about age.
I’m blessed that my parents are still living and physically healthy. Dad is 86 and mom is 87. I hope and pray that I follow suit.
The following article gives you factors that can impact life expectancy and a list of countries with the highest life expectancies.
Life expectancy is defined as the average number of years a person in a specific country or region is predicted to live if mortality rates were to remain steady in the future.
Factors that can impact life expectancy include the availability of health care in a given nation, genetics, infectious diseases present and even political unrest.
The average life expectancy has grown in most developed nations over the last couple of centuries. In the 1800s, infant mortality drove down life expectancy numbers.
However, many people still reached nearly 60 years of age. More than 200 years later, many people now live well into their 80s.
According to the World Health Organization, 71.4 years was the average life expectancy at birth of the global population in 2015.
The organization routinely analyzes health and longevity trends around the world, and many nations boast impressive life expectancies from birth.
Countries that have some of the highest life expectancies include but are not limited to the following (numbers indicate life expectancies as of 2015):
— Australia: 82.8
— Austria: 81.5
— Belgium: 81.8
— Canada: 82.2
— Chile: 80.5
— Cyprus: 80.8
— Denmark: 80.6
— Finland: 81.1
— France: 82.4
— Germany: 81
— Greece: 81
— Iceland: 82.7
— Ireland: 81.4
— Israel: 82.5
— Italy: 82.7
— Japan: 83.7
— Luxembourg: 82
— Singapore: 83.1
— Switzerland: 83.4
— United Kingdom: 81.2
— United States of America: 79.3
Certain nations in Africa, including Chad and Nigeria, have low life expectancies, with ages in the mid-50s.
Healthy eating, routine medical visits and exercise can increase life expectancy. Access to medications that treat chronic illnesses can also increase life expectancy and improve quality of life.
Reducing risk factors for illness, including quitting smoking, avoiding illegal drugs and moderating alcohol consumption, also can increase life expectancy.