
Media reports on Antifa … finally

The Washington Post headline is absolutely astonishing:
“Black-clad antifa members attack peaceful right-wing demonstrators in Berkeley”

Here comes the Cajun Navy!

The Cajun Navy wasted no time. Hurricane Harvey slammed into the Texas Coast on a Friday. By Sunday, hundreds of boats were on their way to Texas.

Like Allison? No comparison

I remember how incredulous I was in June 2001, when a mere tropical storm named Allison dumped more than 30 inches of rain on Houston, then moved to south Louisiana and kept pouring.

Free speech in all its peaceable glory

It was a fine day for protesting at Lafayette Square in Washington, D.C., where folks were enjoying their right to free speech in a productive and peaceable manner.

True fiscal reform requires transparency

There has been a consistent drumbeat of late dominating the airwaves sung by a chorus of politicians, interest groups and talking heads … they want fiscal reform and they want it now.

LSU football and race relations

Ah, the wisdom found in the New York Times. America’s newspaper (at least according to them) seems to find a reason every week to denigrate the backwards homefolks that populate Louisiana.

Governor should embrace all tax force recommendations

Louisiana is facing a fiscal cliff of $1 billion next July, and Gov. John Bel Edwards has been pushing for tax increases — but the House is demanding spending reductions instead.

The South’s complicated relationship with its past

All that’s left of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church is the steeple.
The red brick is faded and the windows are boarded up. But don’t ask the locals if they’re ever going to tear this monument down.

Learn when to shut up, Mr. President

As we’ve said here before, Donald Trump has to learn to just shut up and let things go.
The failure to do that is the worst Achilles heel of a president who seems to have half a dozen Achilles heels.