
Craving a buffet rebirth?

“Buffets Are Back — With New Policies and Gloves,” blared the headline recent on the front page of the Wall Street Journal.

Honk if you see the ball

There are still a few of us of a certain vintage who remember the rough-and-ready days of Evangeline League baseball, where rivalries were so hot that at most games you were more likely to see a big brawl than a double play.

Free speech extends to students, too

One of the first cases I studied at Villanova was Tinker v. Des Moines, a seminal case in free speech and student’s rights.

Political emails reach new lows

With Joe Biden’s presidency nearing the six-month mark, the Republican National Committee sent out a “Biden Report Card”—a poll in which Biden’s performance is graded from A to F.

Is your refrigerator running?

If some retro prankster had asked me a week ago, “Is your refrigerator running?,” my reply would have been, “It’s complicated.”

A summer perch in a mulberry tree

As you may have surmised one of my favorite things to do is to poke around in old newspapers, looking for little items that reflect the character of a place or of the times, or that just catch my fancy.

Learning summer job dignity for $1 an hour

They called me “The Trail Blazer,” Good Buddy. 
That was my citizens band radio handle in the summer of 1977, when the hit movie “Smokey and the Bandit” created a CB craze and millions of kids like me dreamed of getting one. 

My dad taught me how

Need to learn how to unclog a shower drain, jump-start a car, shave your face without bleeding to death or successfully address dozens of other practical adult daily activities?