
Attack ads reflect of our discourse

If you’re looking for a high road in political advertising, you’ll find it somewhere between the South Pole and Hades. Short of Photoshopping devil horns on your opponent, anything goes. There are no rules.

My favorite baseball story

This year’s all-too-brief prospect of an all-Chicago World Series would have renewed one of the few longstanding disagreements between my dad and myself.
I have been a Cubs fan since I was a kid. He pulled for the White Sox.

Leadership advice: Be like Mike

This week, Louisiana mourns the loss of one of our state’s greatest leaders. Governor Mike Foster was a true original who brought his own unique style and brand of governing to Louisiana’s highest office.

The banker always collected

It appears that the “Green House,” said to be one of the oldest houses west of the Atchafalaya Basin, has weathered another storm. Laura is the most recent of dozens of blows that have tested it since it was built about 1836.

One debate down, how about push-ups?

One debate down, how about push-ups?
That’s over, and not a second too soon.
Who won? Who cares? If you can find a winner somewhere in that mess, “Ah Salud!” as the Italians say.

Fireball in the sky caused big scare

At a few minutes after 10 a.m. on October 15, 1955 — during a period when Cold War tensions were building to their highest and little men from outer space were all the rage — something brilliant, loud and scary passed overhead.