‘Build A Better World,’ summer reading program at library concludes


The themed summer reading program “Build a Better World,” concluded Wednesday with a program. Door prizes, T-shirts, gift certificates and a grand prize of a bicycle, donated by Walmart, was part of the program.
Children and parents attended the library’s event and at the conclusion refreshments of punch and cookies were served.
Children’s librarian Bobbie Bordelon said that the summer reading program and StoryTime hours was a big success and thanked all parents for their cooperation, attendance and commitment. “It’s hard especially during the summer months to be committed with your children. I’m glad that you and your children were a big part of our success,” said Bordelon.
The summer reading program was opened to different age groups for their reading enjoyment, and completions of their readings were recorded and documented.
In the children’s ages (0-6 years) there were 50 registered, 32 completions, and 1,060 books read, “A calculated 65 percentage overall, which is good,” explained Bordelon.
In the age group of readers (7-12) there were 78 registered, 45 completions, and 931 books read, with an overall of 57 percent.
The teens group (ages 13-17) there were 19 registered, 140 books read, and 36 percent overall. “All in all, we had great participation this summer of readers, and we are pleased, “ said Bordelon.
Bordelon thanked all the sponsors of the reading program. Local businesses, individuals, and local restaurants gave to the program’s closing ceremony as gift and door prizes. The grand prize winner, a bicycle, donated by Walmart in Eunice was awarded by a drawing of all the summer program’s readers. Carson Thompson was named the winner of the bicycle.
Wrapped gift prize sand buckets with reading materials were awarded to children as door prizes. Walmart gift cards, local restaurant gift certificates were also given as door prizes. Library T-shirts were given as door prizes as well.