Creole-speaking Texan returns to zydeco jam

 Zydeco and Creole accordion master Randall Jackson returns to the Zydeco Capital Jam from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday at the St. Landry Parish Visitor Center, I-49 exit 23, north of Opelousas. (Submitted photo)

Zydeco and Creole accordion master Randall Jackson returns to the Zydeco Capital Jam from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday at the St. Landry Parish Visitor Center, I-49 exit 23, north of Opelousas.
Jackson is the 2014 winner of the Texas Big Squeeze Accordion Contest in the zydeco category. He was a student in the Traditional Music Program at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
A Creole-speaking native of rural east Texas, Jackson grew up hunting, riding horses and playing gospel music with family. After years of listening to zydeco on the radio and at trail rides, Jackson witnessed a live Keith Frank performance and became hooked.
After touring and recording with Chubby Carrier and the Bayou Swamp Band, Jackson leads his own group, RJ & Zydeco Smoove. The band plays a variety of traditional and contemporary zydeco.
A two-time jam leader, Jackson was featured on the 2020 cover of the St. Landry Parish Visitor Guide, an annual attractions listing from the St. Landry Parish Tourist Commission.
The Zydeco Capital Jam has free admission and is open to all musicians and fans.
For more information, visit St. Landry Parish Tourism on Facebook or