Fake inspection stickers showing up


Eunice City Marshal Terry Darbonne said his deputies have come across four of fake inspection stickers in the past couple of weeks.
“They are buying them off the streets because they can’t go to a place that inspects vehicles because you have to show proof of insurance, registration and all of that,” he said.
Valid vehicle inspection stickers cost $10 for one year and $20 for two years. Commercial inspections are $30.
The counterfeit stickers are going from $30 on up.
Darbonne had a fake sticker one of his deputies seized and it is made of cardboard.
Chief Deputy Joey Peloquin said the counterfeit stickers are off-color and missing other details.
Darbonne said when the person was questioned, he said he bought the fake sticker in Lafayette.
Peloquin added, “If somebody is doing it in town they aren’t going to say anything.”
Darbonne said Peloquin has been in touch with Louisiana State Police Troop I troopers and they are pursuing information to find out where the counterfeit stickers are coming from.
“This is not a traffic offense. This is criminal,” Darbonne said. “Instead of a ticket you can go to jail for this.”
The offense is a misdemeanor with a fine up to $500 and six months imprisonment.
Darbonne said it is normal for a police officer making a traffic stop to check for insurance, license plates, driver’s license and registration.
One reason for obtaining a fake inspection sticker is switched plates, he said.
What was puzzling about the driver with the latest fake inspection sticker is everything was OK with the vehicle.
The person said it was just more convenient to buy the fake sticker, he said.
Darbonne said person may end up questioning the convenience if he has to pay a fine and stay in jail.