Acadia Parish police jurors ponder demolition debris


CROWLEY — Demolition debris in a trailer park in Iota will be picked up. Meanwhile, the Acadia Parish Police Jury will revisit its “bulk waste” ordinance so that everyone is on the same page.

During recent acommittee meetings, jurors learned of a situation in Iota where the owner of a trailer park had demolished a number of trailers and had simply pushed the debris to the roadside awaiting pickup by the parish “grapple trucks.”

Jurors were told by the parish bulk waste supervisor that this is an issue drivers face throughout the parish.

And, according to legal counsel, it’s an issue jurors brought upon themselves.

“It appears that, over the years, things have been done to mollify jurors and citizens that are, frankly, against ordinance,” said Glen Howie.

Not only does the parish ordinance say that contractor-generated waste will not be collected by the parish, but it also spells out how such waste should be placed at the roadside — “bound, neatly stacked, not more than 6 feet in length, not more than 75 pounds in weight.”

To address the “contractor” issue, Howie offered verbiage that would amend the parish ordinance to define a contractor as “any person who operates a business enterprise, including but not limited to residential rental properties or properties used as places of business.”

But some jurors felt that definition was unfair to business owners “who pay the bulk of the taxes in the parish.”

Besides, according to A.J. “Jay” Credeur, precedent has been set.