
Cajun Sausage Capital

How many Cajun sausage producers can you fit in 2.9 square miles?
Seven, or at least that’s the math for the Town of Church Point, which was officially named the Cajun Sausage Capital of the World this past summer.

Early voting ends Saturday

Early voting for the Nov. 18 election ends Saturday. Because of the Veterans Day holiday, early voting will not be available on Friday.

Veterans Day honors service

VFW Post Commander Donnie Fontenot may have set the tone for this Saturday’s Veterans Day ceremony last month.

Beloved newspaperman Henri Clay Bienvenu dies at 82

Henri Clay Bienvenu was born in 1941, but his story really begins over half a century earlier, around 1886, with a 12-year-old kid tacking obituary notices to telegraph poles in St.

Eunice Police Arrests report

The following are arrests by Eunice Police.

Tuesday, Nov. 7
Nathaniel Freeman, 22, 400 block of Corn, Eunice. Bench warrant.