Bravo to many in Eunice


BRAVO TO EUNICE for selecting doctor of pharmacy Charles Feucht as Eunice Rotary Club’s 2017 Citizen of the Year. If any project was meaningful and worthwhile he engaged, participated and successfully completed entirely too many to list. Humans of this stature are few and far apart and Eunice has thrived with the presence of Mr. Feucht. In accepting the award Mr. Charles made a very moving and humble comment. “I can tell you whatever perception you had that made you think I was deserving of such an award must have been only because the life I live was inspired and done only by the grace of God, not my own.”
BRAVO TO EUNICE for having a resident such as Dale Sittig. One who has served his town, parish and state in various capacities as an elected official. However, he never served in the military. But, from the looks of the cemetery located at the entrance of Eunice, one would think that every American flag displayed at each grave site would have taken an entire group of veterans months to complete this project. Wrong! Dale decided that this project was a worthwhile reason to enhance the appearance of the well manicured final resting place. Dale indicated that this was something that he wanted to accomplish and felt that the American flags caused him to visit the cemetery more often to pray that God will give him the will to continue this very visible contribution.
BRAVO to Eunice alderman at-large Mr. Jack Burson for publicly pointing out the good, bad and ugly ways of governing a municipality. Mr. Burson details in The Eunice News April 12 edition how elected officials in this area are conducting business in favor of their community in comparison to those who have no clue in governing.
BRAVO to Mr. Gerald E. Martel of Eunice who made the first donation for the purchase of a weapon for the proposed St. Landry Parish Veterans Funeral Honor Guard. Like Mr. Sittig, Gerald has never served in the military but, wanted to show his respect and participate.
There are many more citizens in Eunice who are worthy of a favorable comment. But these four were fresh in my mind and just thought they deserved a BRAVO for a job well done.
Space permitting I would like to quote a paragraph from the message by Keith E. Harman, the commander-in-chief of the VFW referring to Memorial Day which falls on May 28. “This day is sacred for all veterans, and it should be for all Americans. This is the day we pause to remember those while in uniform sacrificed their lives in defense of our great nation. By honoring the nation’s war dead, we preserve their memory and thus, their service and sacrifice. For those of us who served in war zones we know what it is like to lose friends on faraway battlefields. We know intimately the sacrifice their families must endure for the rest of their lives because of their loved one’s devotion to the cause of freedom. We must remember those losses, and, hopefully, provide others with the opportunity and motivation to share in that remembrance.”
Submitted by Link Savoie,
Savoie is a retired U.S. Army military police officer, a Korea/Vietnam veteran, an All-American VFW Department Commander for the State of Louisiana, a Jefferson Award Recipient for Service To Veterans, a recipient of the Humanitarian of the Year in St. Landry Parish in 2014 and has served as a volunteer veterans advocate since military retirement in 1980 to present.