
It’s a new year in the old garden

Happy New Year! It may be your same old garden, but it’s a whole new year, and this a great time to start the planning process of what needs to be done in the landscape.

State launches hotline for reporting juvenile sex trafficking

Louisiana has launched a hotline for receiving reports of suspected juvenile sex trafficking, centralizing the calls to ensure closer coordination between state agencies, law enforcement, and service providers tasked with investigating cases, help

Autism indicator available on Louisiana identification cards

Eligible residents can now request to have an “Autism” indicator added to their Louisiana identification card. Qualified applicants include any person diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder by a qualified medical or mental health professional.

Smaller spaces call for micro gardens

When gardeners think of micro gardens, they may think of micro greens — but micro gardening is so much more than that.

Insurance dominates new laws for 2023

Following three major hurricanes in two years, the Louisiana Legislature made changes to state law to assist property owners with damage claims in the aftermath of a storm.

‘Celebration Riverboat’ wins Showmanship Award at parade

Louisiana Office of Tourism, under the leadership of Lieutenant Governor Billy Nungesser, won the 2023 Showmanship Award during the 134th Rose Parade® in Pasadena, California, for the “Celebration Riverboat” float.

DASH Diet ranked as one of the best diets ever developed

As millions around the world aim to have a healthier new year, U.S. News & World Report released its annual Best Diets rankings to assist people in making informed decisions about how to achieve those health goals.