Case of the suspicious device at Family Dollar closed


The case of the suspicious device found outside the Family Dollar Store at the Amy Shopping Center has been solved, Eunice Police Chief Randy Fontenot said.
Police responded to a 911 call about the suspicious device just after 7 p.m. Jan. 16. State Police responded with their robot to safely remove and destroy the device.
In a news release Thursday, Fontenot stated, “Video at the location revealed that a customer may have been responsible for placement of the device. According to witnesses and the video, a customer went into the store and purchased a backpack. He exited the store and stopped near the door to transfer items from the old to the new backpack. When the customer left the area, the device was seen at the location.
“The customer was identified and later located and questioned by police. He admitted to inadvertently leaving the device at the scene, not realizing until a later time that he had not placed it into the new backpack.
“According to the customer, the device was a flashlight he owned. The switch was inoperable so he attached a black box to the light housing. The box was to contain a battery and the wiring acted as a switch and conduit for power to the flashlight bulb. No malice was intended and the customer was apologetic for the commotion.”