
Nighttime snacking’s best bets

Choose wisely what you snack on at night.
Newspaper Metro tells you to choose a food that is high in protein, fiber or healthy fats, which will be more likely to keep a person satiated throughout the night.

Christmas tidbits

The following, courtesy of Newspaper Metro, gives facts about Christmas and things associated with the holiday.

Coping with fewer hours of daylight

I’m still trying to adjust to the daylight savings time. I don’t care for it too much, as sometimes 5:00 in the afternoon is in darkness. I tend to retire for bedtime at an earlier hour than normal also.

Turkey is nutritious all year long

Turkey is much more than just a Thanksgiving staple. I love eating turkey and not just at Thanksgiving.

Natural ways to fight fall allergies

Some folks fight fall allergies. I experience some symptoms, but it’s not severe.
Did you know? Leaves are a known cause of fall allergies. Raking them can stir up mold and pollen.

Autumn is an ideal time to tend to lawns and gardens

For those of you who enjoy gardening the season is now upon us, autumn. Autumn is an ideal time to get into the garden and ensure that flowers, trees and garden beds will over-winter successfully.

When is clumsiness a cause for concern?

Have you ever tripped over your own feet? Did you feel clumsy?
There may be an underlining reason for clumsiness. The following, courtesy of Newspaper Metro, gives you some facts and possible reasons for clumsiness.

Grilling chicken

I’m ready for cooler outdoor temperatures and grilling. Of course, I don’t know the techniques of grilling but I have terrific family members that grill for me.