
Choose the right backpack for your child

Most school kids carry backpacks to and from school. Normally these backpacks are filled with school work and books. I have witnessed that these backpacks seemed to be almost bigger and heavier than the child.

Finding balance with extracurricular activities

Now that school is in session, your child, teen or college student may become involved in extracurricular activities. This is great for the student and will teach them important life lessons.

The benefits to quitting smoking

I’m thankful that I never had the urge to start smoking and that my parents do not smoke nor do my daughters.

Horseshoe trivia

Did you know that horseshoes were a Roman invention?
The following, courtesy of Newspaper Metro, gives you some horseshoe trivia.

Simple solutions for a better night’s sleep

I am one that requires eight hours of sleep each evening. I can tell the next morning when I don’t get enough sleep, because I’m dragging around with no energy.

Chicken soup and the common cold

Chicken soup seems to soothe cold symptoms. However, after reading the following, courtesy of Newspaper Metro, some people come down with colds more than once a year. Myself, colds normally attack my system in the winter months.

Six facts about watermelons

Most people enjoy eating a cold watermelon. Myself, I would rather eat a cantaloupe. However, my entire family loves watermelons.
Did you know that watermelons can be considered a fruit or a vegetable?

The thrills at amusement parks

Did you know that amusement parks sprung up way back in the 19th century?
Courtesy of Newspaper Metro, the following are interesting facts and origins of amusement parks, carnivals and fairs.

Always remember fireworks safety

The Fourth of July holiday is next week. If you choose to enjoy fireworks, do so safely.
The following, courtesy of Newspaper Metro, gives safety tips when using fireworks.

How to grill foods safely and healthy

It’s that time of the year to take out the grill. Always make sure your foods are completely cooked. The following, courtesy of Newspaper Metro, gives tips to make grilling easy and safe.